Call off the hounds! Put away the missing person posters! Stop printing those "FREE DA BRAT!" tees! Newsflash, ladies and gentlemen. Da B-R-A-T is out! No, not out of the closet (yet), she's out of jail...on work release. There's always a catch.
Jermaine Dupri's former right hand (wo)man made a quick appearance on JD's YouTube show "Living the Life." Even though Brat's been in prison for nearly three years, the rapper was let out early thanks to the work release program, which has her making windows. Hey, it's a job. Even though it's been years since Da Brat was last seen publicly and despite the fact that she is now a 36-year-old woman, she still insists on dressing like a Rocawear, Sean John, FUBU-loving 16-year-old boy. Step your game up, Shawntae. Ellen DeGeneres is single-handedly killin' it for the butches and you're still stuck on that Totally Krossed Out look. Move on.
In her brief appearance, Da Brat mumbles a line about "too much grass" having grown while she was in prison. Is that a swipe at the current state of female hip hop or a comment on the state of her abandoned and neglected career? Honestly, both explanations work. And just in case you were wondering, no she didn't shout out her former lover David Gest. So much for thug lovin'. How cruel.
Watch the long lost Da Brat on Jermaine's show