DMX's problems with drugs and the law are well documented. His attitude toward his troubles, however, have been cavalier and full of typical hypermasculine, empty vessel chest beating about how he's a G.
But in an incredibly Freudian moment on the VH1 reality show Couples Therapy, DMX revealed the source of all of his trauma and angst: His mother never told him that she loved him.
You can expect the rap blogs, message boards and commenters to run with this and GIF the hell out of it and call him a punk, but in a rare moment of honesty, DMX cracked the popular facade of the black rapper as an uncaring, unfeeling, invincible soldier.
The sad reality is that many of DMX's peers probably bear similar familial scars. But don't expect to hear that in their next mixtape single.
While rappers clobber Drake for wearing his heart on his sleeve, they're secretly carrying around deep emotional wounds that they'd love to pretend don't exist. That is what psychology types call projection.
Isn't it time that hip-hop started being more honest?
Watch DMX's honest moment of pain below
Get More: Couples Therapy
Source: Necole Bitchie